BOAT LIFTS BOAT LIFTS D.K. Construction Inc. installs permanent Hi-Tide boat lifts on wood or steel piling. We are West Michigan’s official Hi-Tide boat lift dealer. Keep your boat safe and ready for your next time out on the lake. Boat Lift Request Name* Location (City)* Phone Email Address* Boat Type* Boat Type*Power BoatPersonal Water Craft (PWC)SailboatYacht Boat Weight Fuel Capacity Water Capacity Other Weight Boat Length Beam Width Hull Shape Hull ShapeFlatTunnel VeeCatamaranVee with Pad and StrakesTri / CathedralPontoonKeeled - SingleKeeled - CatamaranKeeled - TriCircular Any Specific Needs 4 + 10 = Submit any project, big or smallConsider it done Contact Us